Mission Statement
The mission of Tiverton Library Services is to be an essential resource for personal growth and community enrichment. Our programs, services, and collections serve the personal and professional needs and interests of individuals, groups, and organizations. As a vital part of the Town, our modern library services enhance the educational, cultural, social, and economic well-being of the community.
The Library creates and strengthens community through its role as a leading provider of cultural resources and as a forum and venue for events. We intend to expand that role and strengthen our community of lifelong learners as we believe that learning is a communal, as well as an individual, activity and that the Library should be a center for intellectual and cultural engagement.
Library Policies
The Library Board of Trustees is responsible for determining the rules for public behavior in the library necessary to:
- Ensure the safety of library patrons, employees, visitors, and volunteers.
- Protect the rights of individuals using library materials and services.
- Protect the rights of library employees and volunteers to conduct library business without interference.
- Ensure the use of the building, materials, and services by the greatest number of individuals.
- Preserve materials and facilities from harm.
The Board authorizes the Director (or their designee) to revoke or restrict library privileges of any individual who behaves contrary to these rules. The Board also authorizes the Director to file charges against individuals who continually transgress these rules.
Should an individual fail to comply with the Librarian’s request, that individual will be asked to leave the library building and property. The police may be called for assistance if the individual fails to comply with a request.
Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, individuals who have been asked to leave the property may be barred from returning to the library. Individuals who have been barred may be asked to speak to the Director. Juveniles may be asked to bring a parent or guardian to such a conference.
Misconduct might include but is not limited to:
- Loud or boisterous behavior or intruding on others.
- Profanity or abusive or threatening language toward other individuals or employees.
- Abusing library furniture, equipment, or materials.
- Harassing others, either verbally or through actions.
- Fighting on library property.
- Using tobacco in any form.
- Possession, sale, or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances.
- Sleeping in the library.
- Willfully exposing their private parts.
- Having bodily hygiene so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to others.
- Buying or selling of any kind, or soliciting for personal gain.
- Using personal listening equipment at a level that can be heard by others.
- Distributing literature, taking surveys, or asking individuals or employees to sign petitions or similar activities.
- Interfering with staff performance of duties.
- Bringing animals other than guide/assistance animals into the building.
- Not wearing a shirt or shoes.
- Athletic equipment may not be used within the library.
- Any illegal behavior.
- Leaving a child or children -age 10 or under- unattended in the library without the supervision of an adult. (See Unattended Children Policy.)
- Eating in the library except in designated areas.
Individuals who disagree may request a hearing with the Library Director. All infringements must be followed with the completion of an “Incident Report.”
Loan Periods
Three weeks for all books, audiobooks, and digital download titles.
One week for video, music, and magazines.
Materials may be renewed in person, by telephone, or via the online catalog.
Overdue Materials
All Tiverton materials are fine-free. To avoid being billed for materials, return materials on time so others may enjoy them.
Patrons must bring the library card on which they placed the hold in order to pick up the item unless your cards are linked. Items will be held for one week unless other arrangements are made.
Return boxes are available for patrons' convenience.
Tiverton Library Services belongs to the statewide Ocean State Libraries (OSL). When you get an OSL library card, you can use it in over 50 public libraries throughout the state of Rhode Island.
Library Policies may vary at each Ocean State Libraries (OSL) library. Members of OSL reserve the right to deny check-out privileges to anyone who has overdue library material from any OSL library, or owes fines of more than $5 at any OSL library. Each library may also determine charges for lost or damaged material. Lost cards will be replaced for $1. You should inquire about specific circulation policies when using a different library. Library cards expire every three years – upon renewal please update address, telephone numbers, and any other information that has changed. Children under 12 years must have a parent or guardian with them to update information.
You may borrow items from any OSL public library by either visiting that library yourself, having your local library obtain the materials for you, or requesting items online.
OSL cards are available to Rhode Island residents free of charge. Non-residents may purchase a full use card for $245 per year or a local use only card for $25 per year.
Proof of identity with photo and current address is required. Valid types of identification include, but aren't restricted to, such items as:
- Driver's License
- Car Registration
- Rental leases or receipts
- State ID
- College ID
- Utility bill or receipt
Children under 14 years of age
Parent or guardian must be present to obtain a library card and show proof of address. The card can then be used to check out library materials. You must have your library card with you to borrow materials. You are responsible for all items checked out on your card.
Rhode Island Residents
Acceptable ID includes driver’s license, car registration, utility bill, lease, checks, or canceled personal mail.
Replacement fee for a lost Ocean State Libraries card is $1.
The Tiverton Library Services reserves the right to restrict the use of cell phones while in the library. All cell phones must be turned off or the ringer set to vibrate (silent) and if a call is to be answered, move to the front foyer or outdoor spaces so others will not be disturbed.
The staff of Tiverton Library Services seeks to create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for all children. However, the safety of young children left alone at the library is a serious concern. No public place, including the library, can guarantee the safety of children. Library personnel are not childcare providers and cannot be responsible for what may happen to unaccompanied children in a public building open to all. Therefore, parents and caregivers, not library staff, are responsible for the actions and safety of children visiting the library.
For the protection and well being of children who enjoy the library the following policy has been established:
- No child should be dropped off at the library before the library is open.
- During programs, adults who do not attend the program with the child must remain in the building and must return to the program area by the end of the program.
- Children 10 years of age and younger must be accompanied at all times during the library visit by a parent or other caregiver aged 13 or older.
- Children 11-14 may be left unattended at the library for a period of time not to exceed three hours to conduct business conducive to the library environment. The child must know how to reach the parent or responsible adult in case of emergency.
- Children are expected to adhere to the same rules of conduct expected of adults while on library property. Children engaged in disruptive behavior will receive a warning. If the behavior continues the parent will be notified and the child will be expelled from the library for the day. Should the behavior continue, the parents will be notified and the child will be denied library access for a length of time to be determined by the Librarian.
- Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to:
- Abusive or vulgar language
- Threats of violence
- Unauthorized physically active games (tag, shouting, screaming)
- Harassment of another patron or staff
- Use of skateboards, scooters, and skates inside the library
- Illegal behavior will result in the calling of police. Charges will be pressed against any individual who commits an illegal act, not limited to, but including the following:
- Damaging or defacing library property
- Theft of library property
- Intoxication or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol on library property
- Illegal internet usage
- Children must leave the library at closing time. The parent or caregiver should be aware of the library’s closing time.
- For the safety of the child, staff will not leave a child under thirteen years of age outside the library to wait for a ride. Should the child not be picked up within ten minutes of library closing, two staff members will wait with the child. Attempts to telephone the parent or responsible adult will be made. If the staff is unsuccessful in reaching a parent or the parent does not arrive within thirty minutes of library closing the police will be summoned to assist the child.
- Library personnel are not permitted to offer children a ride.
Library privileges of families who do not follow these guidelines may be revoked.
Tiverton Library Services
Collection Development Policy
I. Introduction
The mission of Tiverton Library Services is to be an essential resource for personal growth and community enrichment. Our programs, services, and collections serve the personal and professional needs and interests of individuals, groups, and organizations. As a vital part of the town, our modern library services enhance the educational, cultural, social, and economic well-being of the community.
The Library creates and strengthens community through its role as a leading provider of cultural resources and as a forum and venue for events. We intend to expand that role and strengthen our community of lifelong learners, as we believe that learning is a communal, as well as an individual, activity and that the Library should be a center for intellectual and cultural engagement.
In support of its mission and vision to be an essential resource for personal growth and community enrichment, Tiverton Library Services fully endorses the principles documented in the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement, and Access to Library Resources and Services to Minors of the American Library Association.
II. Responsibility for Materials Selection
The ultimate responsibility for the selection of library materials rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Tiverton Library Services Board of Trustees. This responsibility is shared with other members of the library staff, however, because the Director must be available to answer to the Library Board and the general public for actual selections made, the Director has the authority to reject or select any item contrary to the recommendations of the staff.
Staff members who work within a particular area of the library are responsible for collection development in that area. For example, the Head of Children’s Services selects all materials for the Children’s Library, as the Young Adult Services Librarian selects materials for the Teen Library. The Reference/Acquisitions Librarian manages the Adult collection. Suggestions from other staff and from library patrons are encouraged and considered in the selection process (see “Suggestion for Purchase” form via the Library website).
III. Criteria for Selection
To build a diversified collection, which supports the Library’s mission, certain objective criteria are used.
- Current usefulness or permanent value.
- Authority and competence of the author, composer, filmmaker, etc.
- Relevance as a record of its time.
- Its role in broadening or balancing the Library’s materials on the same subject.
- Relative importance in comparison with other works on the subject.
- Quality of content, design, format, or production.
- Suitability of subject, style, format, and level for its intended audience.
- Literary merit, significance.
- Relevance to community needs.
- Potential or known demand for the material.
- Price.
Tools used in the selection process may include:
- Pre-publication and concurrent reviews in professional publications specifically for this process, such as Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Library Journal, School Library Journal, and bestseller lists from varied online sources.
- New York Times Book Review.
- Social Media.
- Popular magazines, television, and radio.
- Patron recommendations and high-demand holds.
An item need not meet all criteria to be selected.
IV. The Use of the Library’s Materials
Library materials that are selected must provide a broad range of viewpoints and will not be marked or identified to show Library approval or disapproval of the contents. The library will not act as loco parentis (in place of a parent). Responsibility for the reading, viewing, or listening habits of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of materials for the Library’s collections will not be restricted by the possibility that children may obtain materials their parents might consider inappropriate.
The use of rare, scholarly items or those that are fragile or of great value, or those unusually susceptible to theft, may be controlled only to the extent required to protect them from damage or theft.
V. The Scope of the Collection
The Library will seek to coordinate its resources with those of other libraries in Rhode Island so as not to duplicate service and materials unnecessarily. Just as Tiverton Library Services will collect in greater depth in some areas, interlibrary loan services will provide access to specialized and technical materials beyond the scope of this Library’s collection.
The Library will cooperate with school and academic libraries so that the services of these agencies may complement each other. The major function of the school and academic libraries is to furnish curriculum-related materials. The public library will seek to provide access to a less specialized, but more comprehensive collection. Textbooks are not ordinarily purchased by the Library except in subjects where materials in another format are not readily available.
The Library will seek to identify groups of people with specialized information needs and to purchase materials they will be able to use. (Ex: SAT prep books; collection on health services for the aging.)
The Library’s electronic resources include those provided by the Ocean State Libraries Consortium as well as those offered by the Library directly. These include, but are not limited to, journal databases and online encyclopedias, eBooks, music and video streaming, downloadable audiobooks, digital magazines, genealogy resources, language learning, and reader's advisory tools.
VI. Gifts and Donations
All currently useful books and other materials donated to Tiverton Library Services will be accepted if no conditions are placed on use, location, rebinding, or disposal. The same criteria governing the selection of purchased materials are applied to gifts and donations. The Library is not responsible for the appraisal of gifts for income tax or any other purposes. Donors may request a “Donation Acknowledgement Form” (Appendix A).
VII. Maintaining the Collection
In order to maintain an up-to-date, useful collection, worn and obsolete materials will be continuously weeded. Library staff follow principles established in The CREW Manual (Continuous Review Evaluation Weeding) and other professional collection evaluation tools. Materials may also be withdrawn if they are little used or superseded by a new edition or better work on the same subject. Library staff will follow the Weeded Materials Procedure for all items being deaccessioned from the collection (Appendix B).
VIII. Comment on Library Materials Policy
Procedures have been developed to assure that comments will be handled in an attentive and consistent manner.
Tiverton residents who wish to formally submit a comment on Library materials are required to put their remarks in writing by completing and signing the form available on the Tiverton Library Services website, entitled “Comment on Library Materials” (Appendix C). Only forms completed in their entirety will be considered.
The Library Director will review the work for which a comment has been made. The Director will acknowledge the receipt of the form within 10 business days (excluding holidays). The Director will then respond to the patron’s comment in writing within a 10 business day timeframe (excluding holidays) that begins after the acknowledgement. If they are dissatisfied with the response, the patron may request that it be brought before the Library Board of Trustees.
Created January 1997; Updated April 2021, March 2023
TLS Collection Development Policy
Appendix A - Donation Acknowledgement Form
Appendix B - Weeded Materials Procedure
Appendix C - Comment on Library Materials Form
Tiverton Library Trustees have adopted the ALA’s statements regarding access to information as noted in the following documents:
- Library Bill of Rights
- Freedom to View Statement
- Freedom to Read Statement
- Access to Digital Information, Services and Networks: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights
- Minors and Internet Interactivity: An Interpretation of the Library Bills of Rights
Our philosophy is that the benefits of Internet access for the public far exceed any risk of negative aspects. However, Tiverton Public Library urges its users to review the policies here and become informed in regards to matters of public security, safety, and responsibility.
Discretion in Evaluating Content and Sources
The Internet provides access to a highly diverse and valuable range of information content and sources, locally, nationally, and internationally. Some information found on the internet may be inaccurate, incomplete, illegal, dated, or offensive to some individuals.
In choosing sources to link to from its own Library website pages, the Library follows the same materials selection guidelines as it would with any other materials in the collection. Beyond this, the Library is not responsible for the content and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information that users might obtain from the internet.
Users are encouraged to be informed and practiced consumers in evaluating the validity and appropriateness of information and content found online.
Online Security in a Public Space
Users should be aware that security cannot be guaranteed in a public electronic environment. All files, transactions, activities, and communications may be vulnerable to third-party access. Users are encouraged to take precautions while using passwords, id names, and numbers, and accessing online accounts, and be sure to logout of any such accounts at the end of your public internet session.
In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), in order to remain eligible for some federal funding, Tiverton Public Library, as part of Ocean State Libraries, has implemented software filtering on all of its Internet-accessible computer terminals.
Even though the software was selected to comply with CIPA while still providing Library users the best possible access to constitutionally-protected speech and access, all software has a degree of error that sometimes results in “underblocking” (i.e. permitting access to materials that it is intending to block) or “overblocking” (i.e. denying access of materials that do not fall within the categories restricted by the law). The Library cannot guarantee that the filtering software will block all obscenity, pornography, or materials that may be harmful to minors. Nor can the Library ensure that the filtering software will not restrict access to sites that may have legitimate value for research and other purposes.
If a patron is using a public computer and conducting legitimate research that requires a website to be unblocked, or comes across a website that they believe was blocked in error, they can request for the circulation staff to use an override password to do so. This will be at the discretion of the library staff.
Access by Minors
As with all other Library resources parents, legal guardians and designated caregivers assume full responsibility in determining what content and resources online are appropriate for minors. While on the premises, they should be prepared to guide children and inform them regarding any activities or content online that they would like to prohibit. Library staff will not monitor, control or restrict anyone’s access to information, images, and multimedia materials online.
To assist parents, youth, and educators, the Library has created the Kids and Teen sections of our website, which provide content and links to other sites that users may find appropriate and helpful.
Rules of Conduct
The Library may prohibit downloading software or files of any medium, and also limit the usage of large files and activities or games that load or operate with a considerable amount of memory or bandwidth.
The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time a user can devote to a single session.
The public must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including laws governing the transmission and dissemination of information while accessing the Internet.
Users May Not:
- Damage equipment or software or make any attempt to modify or disrupt existing programs, files, passwords, data, or settings.
- Use the network to make unauthorized entry into other networks, systems, and communications belonging to other individuals and companies.
- Engage in any activity that is harassing or defamatory.
- Use the internet to violate existing copyright laws, software license restrictions, and regulations governing fair use or file sharing.
Users are urged to respect the environment and other Library users in their immediate vicinity and are called to also follow the general Library policies of conduct while using the public Internet stations. This includes using appropriate judgment and discretion when playing or displaying any audio, video, or image files.
Violations may result in a loss of access privileges. Unlawful activities will also be subject to involving the proper authorities.
Policy Approved 3/2/2011
Tiverton Public Library welcomes patrons and their service/assistance animals.
All service/assistance animals allowable in the Library must be housebroken and under the control of the owner at all times through a leash, harness, or other tethers unless the owner cannot hold these objects or such use would interfere with the animal’s work or tasks, and in which case the animal must be controllable by voice, signal, or any other effective means.
Misconduct and the resulting consequences, as stated in the Library’s Behavior Policy, apply to service/assistance animals.
Policy approved by Library Board of Trustees 7/15/19
The Tiverton Public Library is continuously enriched by the generous donations of its customers. When customers inquire about donating materials, please use the following guidelines.
We will accept the following materials in MINT condition only:
- Adult hardcover and paperback books
- Children’s hardcover and paperback books
- Young adult hardcover and paperback books
- Compact discs in original cases
- DVDs in original sleeves
- Unabridged books on CD in original packaging
We will not accept the following:
- Any materials that have odors or stains
- Any materials that have been stored in attics, cellars, or garages
- Textbooks
- Encyclopedias
- Readers Digest condensed books
- Magazines of any kind
- Vinyl record albums
- Audiocassettes
- Computer games and software
- Computers and other electronic items
- Puzzles, games, and toys, including stuffed animals
- Videocassettes
- Books on tape
Federal regulations prohibit the library from giving estimates of value for donated materials. All donations become the property of the Tiverton Public Library and are added to the collection, sold in the book sale, or discarded.
The Tiverton Public Library has five rooms available for use by the community.
Library meeting rooms are primarily for the use of the Library staff, Library related organizations, and Library sponsored programs. When not in use by the Library or Library related organizations, the rooms may be used for meetings of Tiverton municipal departments & boards, local groups, organizations, and businesses, according to the following guidelines and conditions:
General Conditions:
- Rooms may be booked at no cost by groups holding meetings that are free of charge and open to the public.
- Reservations for meeting space are not confirmed until the reserving party is notified.
- Reservations from organizations for use of the meeting room space are made on the Library’s application form, located on the Library website at www.tivertonLibrary.org.
- Other local non-profit groups/ businesses/ individuals will be charged a $50-100 fee per room for up to three hours for closed meetings. The Community Room is $100 for up to 3 hours. The Trustees Room, Learning Center, and Children's Program Room are $50 for up to 3 hours. Checks must be made payable to the “Tiverton Public Library”. Reservations will be cancelled if payment is not received within 10 days of confirmation.
- We are unable to accommodate any private social events such as birthday parties,
bridal showers, and baby showers. - No admittance fee may be charged or contributions solicited except for Library fundraisers.
- Goods or services may not be sold or advertised at the meeting.
- The size of the group cannot exceed the capacity of the specific meeting room.
- The group or association is responsible for the security, safety, and behavior of the group. Children must be supervised by group members and pick up of children must be monitored by the group.
- Use of the meeting space cannot interfere with the normal operation of the Library.
- Only one reservation per month allowed per organization.
- Requests for multiple dates may be made by completing a Meeting Room Series Booking Request form. Approval is subject to the following criteria: completion of the form, availability of the requested room, if requested dates are within the 3-month booking time-frame, and if the event occurs during the library's open hours. Form is available at https://tivertonlibrary.org/meeting-rooms/.
- No smoking is allowed on Library property. No open flame is permitted at any time.
- No alcoholic beverages may be dispensed or consumed on Library property.
- Any questions of interpretation of this policy will be referred to the Library Board of Trustees and no meetings will be booked until that Board renders a decision.
- Any infraction of these guidelines may result in loss of facilities use privileges for the group or association.
- For-profit organizations must provide proof of Liability Insurance to use the meeting rooms.
Meeting rooms may be reserved up to 3 months in advance of the meeting. It is recommended that completed applications be submitted at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
The application must be completed and submitted by an individual, at least 21 years of age, who shall be personally responsible for the conduct of the meeting, adherence to regulations, the payment of any fees or charges, and any damage to Library property.
The applicant shall be in attendance when the meeting room is in use.
All inquiries concerning meetings will be referred to the person that completed the application.
Cancellation of meeting room reservations is required 24 hours in advance. Failure to notify the Library of cancellation may result in denial of future requests and the forfeit of any meeting room fee.
Reservation forms available at https://tivertonlibrary.org/meeting-rooms/
No custodial services are provided in connection with the use of the meeting rooms.
Refreshments may be served in the Community Room and the reserving group is responsible for leaving the room in an orderly condition which includes making sure all tables and chairs are clean. A $50 room cleaning fee is applicable to events with refreshments (food and drink).
All event-related items must be removed by the group or association using the room at the end of the event. Trash that does not fit in the trash can provided must be removed at the end of the event.
Nothing may be hung on the walls or windows of the meeting rooms. No storage facilities are provided.
Some Library-owned equipment is available – see reservation form.
Use of the meeting rooms must begin while the Library is opened to the public.
The Community Room and the Trustee Room can be used after hours up to 10:00 PM.
All other rooms are available only during regular library operating hours.
Meeting rooms will not be available when the Library is closed due to emergency conditions, inclement weather, or Rhode Island legal holidays and Sundays.
The Library is not responsible for costs incurred if a meeting is canceled due to circumstances beyond the Library’s control.
Events related to local elections must be reviewed by the Town Solicitor prior to the occurrence of the event.
Library subscribes to the equitable use of its facilities. The use of the meeting room does not constitute an endorsement of an organization's policies or beliefs.
Unless event is co-sponsored by the library all announcements, press releases, flyers, and other promotional work must clearly state the meeting or program is not sponsored by the Tiverton Public Library.
Groups may identify the Library and provide its address in their publicity for the meeting, but may not use the Library’s telephone number or invite potential attendees to contact the Library.
Neither the Trustees of the Tiverton Public Library nor the Town of Tiverton shall be held responsible for injury to persons or property that may occur while a meeting room is being used.
The Library cannot be held responsible for materials, supplies, or equipment owned by the group and used by them in the Library.
The Library recognizes the rights of free speech and free assembly. Permission for a group to use Library space does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s philosophy or objectives by the Library.
The meeting room will be available to all groups who have an open membership policy and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, national origin, religion, or physical disabilities.
In allocating the use of meeting rooms, the Trustees of the Library and Library staff shall not discriminate on the basis of the political or religious beliefs of applicant groups, or on any other constitutionally or statutorily-prohibited basis.
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees January 7, 2015
Updated December 17, 2018; February 25, 2019; April 17, 2023; August 19, 2024
Active solicitation is defined as written or verbal persuasion to buy some product or service. This includes soliciting funds, donations, or services, as well as, selling or offering goods or services, tickets, coupons and promotional materials, and non-profit fundraising.
Active solicitation is prohibited on Tiverton Library property which includes within the library facility, in the library parking lot or on library grounds.
Active solicitation on Library property is prohibited unless it is a library function or activity related to fundraising for the Library, Friends of Tiverton Libraries, Tiverton Library Foundation
or Union Public Library Association and is under the general supervision of Library staff, and as provided below:
1. Solicitation and fundraising projects sponsored by the Library and supporting Library purposes.
2. Fundraising projects or events (either on or off Library property) conducted by the Friends of Tiverton Libraries, Tiverton Library Foundation, or Union Public Library Association including book/food drives, annual campaigns, event ticket sales and raffles, where all proceeds are for the benefit of the Library.
3. Solicitation authorized and directed by the Library including offering discounts and rebates, but not direct sales, by vendors in conjunction with programs and events at
the Library.
4. Solicitation authorized and directed by the Library including book or media sales and offering discounts/rebates in conjunction with Library programing such as summer
reading clubs at the Library.
5. Library-sponsored authors, artists or performers who sell materials in conjunction with their event, see below.
The Library Board of Trustees will authorize such solicitation and fundraisers on a case-by-case basis.
Where this Policy conflicts with the Meeting Room Policy, the Meeting Room Policy governs.
The passive solicitation and collection of donations by local community-based, non-profit organizations for distribution to local populations is permitted. Notices may be posted to a public bulletin board and non-cash donation boxes placed in approved areas to collect items for this purpose. The sponsoring agency, with contact information and an end date, must be indicated on the donation box. The location and size requirements of all donation boxes will be determined by the Library.
Use of these resources is subject to the prior approval of the Library Director. To avoid overcrowding of library spaces, the location and size requirements of all donation boxes will be determined by the Library and the number of concurrent solicitation drives may be limited. Donation drives sponsored by the Library, Friends of Tiverton Libraries, Union Public Library Association, Tiverton Library Foundation, will be given priority.
The Library assumes no responsibility for any contents collected or donated, damaged, lost or stolen. The Library does not permit any exchange of monies or funds for this purpose and money donation canisters are prohibited. Should donations exceed their allotted space, the Library may be forced to discontinue collections until the organization can collect the donations or additional
storage can be found. Boxes may be removed without notice by the Library.
Individuals or groups who speak or perform at a library-sponsored program may sell their books or merchandise that relate to the topic of that particular program with prior approval from the Library. The presenter is responsible for all financial transactions, including collecting and filing applicable sales tax. Library staff is not expected to order books, keep inventory, or handle money from such sales.
Works of art displayed in the Library may include signage identifying the artist and the artist’s contact information with a note stating: “Displayed work is not for sale while on loan to the Library. Please contact the artist directly for more information.” Work loaned to the Library shall remain on display for thirty (30) day intervals, which shall automatically renew. Display of a piece may be terminated after the first thirty (30) day interval at the discretion of the Library Director.
The Library Director shall make the final determination as to whether a solicitation is active or passive, and if the activity is permitted under the Policy or is an exception allowed by the Library Board of Trustees.
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees April 15, 2024
The Tiverton Public Library is a member of the Ocean State Libraries consortium which means a full-access library card issued from any OSL library will allow you to borrow materials from any OSL member library. The Tiverton Public Library participates in the complete resource sharing of all circulating materials with the exception of special loan items.
Rhode Island library users are able to borrow materials from non-OSL Rhode Island libraries and out-of-state libraries using the Interlibrary Loan service. The Interlibrary Loan service (ILL) is governed by the Library of Rhode Island standards. You can request materials through ILL at any Tiverton Library location by contacting a library staff member. There is no guarantee that the materials requested will be available from another institution. There is no charge for placing an ILL request but the customer is required to pay one-way shipping costs and is subject to normal fines and fees for overdue and lost materials. Interlibrary loan requests are limited to 5 items per week per customer.
When weather conditions become questionable, visit tivertonlibrary.org for announcements involving closings, delayed openings, or program cancellations.
All Tiverton Public Library weather and emergency closures will also be posted with the Rhode Island Broadcasters Association at www.ribroadcasters.com.
If the library is closed for a holiday, snowstorm, or other weather events, your lending period will be extended for that day.