Meeting Rooms


The Tiverton Public Library has five rooms available for use by the community. Library meeting rooms are primarily for the use of the Library staff, Library related organizations, and Library sponsored programs. When not in use by the Library or Library related organizations, the rooms may be used for meetings of Tiverton municipal departments & boards, local groups, organizations, and businesses, according to the Policies listed at the bottom of the page.

Procedure to Book a Room

1- Read the room reservation policies below.

2- Fill out our online reservation form here. You will receive an email receipt once your request has been submitted. We suggest submitting your request at least one week before your meeting date.

3- All requests will be pending until review. You will receive an email reply within 7 days of submission. You must wait until you receive this secondary email to know whether your reservation has been approved. This email is different than the submission receipt.

4- Please call the library if you have questions.

Community Room

Maximum occupants: 88

Has a podium.

A/V equipment includes a projector, microphone, and DVD player.

Trustees Room

Maximum occupants: 10

Learning Center

Maximum occupants: 17

A/V equipment includes a wall-hung flat-screen HDTV with HDMI input.

Meeting Room Policies

Library meeting rooms are primarily for the use of the Library staff, Library related organizations, and Library sponsored programs. When not in use by the Library or Library related organizations, the rooms may be used for meetings of Tiverton municipal departments & boards, local groups, organizations and businesses, according to the following guidelines and conditions:

General Conditions:

  1. Rooms may be booked at no cost by groups holding meetings that are free of charge and open to the public.
  2. Reservations for meeting space are not confirmed until the reserving party is notified.
  3. Reservations from organizations for use of the meeting room space are made on the Library’s application form, located on the this online reservation form.
  4. Other local non-profit groups/ businesses/ individuals will be charged a $50-100 fee per room for up to three hours for closed meetings. The Community Room is $100 for up to 3 hours. The Trustees Room, Learning Center, and Children's Program Room are $50 for up to 3 hours. Checks must be made payable to the “Tiverton Public Library”. Reservations will be cancelled if payment is not received within 10 days of confirmation.
  5. We are unable to accommodate any private social events such as birthday parties,
    bridal showers, and baby showers.
  6. No admittance fee may be charged or contributions solicited except for Library fundraisers.
  7. Goods or services may not be sold or advertised at the meeting.
  8. The size of the group cannot exceed the capacity of the specific meeting room.
  9. The group or association is responsible for the security, safety and behavior of the group. Children must be supervised by group members and pick up of children must be monitored by the group.
  10. Use of the meeting space cannot interfere with the normal operation of the Library.
  11. Only one reservation per month allowed per organization.
  12. Requests for multiple dates may be made by completing a Meeting Room Series Booking Request form. Approval is subject to the following criteria: completion of the form, availability of the requested room, if requested dates are within the 3-month booking time-frame, and if the event occurs during the library's open hours. Form is available at
  13. No smoking is allowed on Library property. No open flame is permitted at any time.
  14. No alcoholic beverages may be dispensed or consumed on Library property.
  15. Any questions of interpretation of this policy will be referred to the Library Board of Trustees and no meetings will be booked until that Board renders a decision.
  16. Any infraction of these guidelines may result in loss of facilities use privileges for the group or association.
  17. For profit organization must provide proof of Liability Insurance to use the meeting rooms.


Meeting rooms may be reserved up to 3 months in advance of the meeting. It is recommended that completed applications be submitted at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.

The application must be completed and submitted by an individual, at least 21 years of age, who shall be personally responsible for the conduct of the meeting, adherence to regulations, the payment of any fees or charges and any damage to Library property.

The applicant shall be in attendance when the meeting room is in use.

All inquiries concerning meetings will be referred to the person that completed the application.

Cancellation of meeting room reservations is required 24 hours in advance. Failure to notify the Library of cancellation may result in denial of future requests and the forfeit of any meeting room fee.

Reservation forms available at the library website.


No custodial services are provided in connection with the use of the meeting rooms.

Refreshments may be served in the Community Room and the reserving group is responsible for leaving the room in an orderly condition which includes making sure all tables and chairs are clean. A $50 room cleaning fee is applicable to events with refreshments (food and drink).

All event-related items must be removed by the group or association using the room at the end of the event. Trash that does not fit in the trash can provided must be removed at the end of the event.

Nothing may be hung on the walls or windows of the meeting rooms.
No storage facilities are provided.

Some Library-owned equipment is available – see reservation form.


Use of the meeting rooms must begin while the Library is opened to the public.

The Community room and the Trustee room can be used after hours up to 10:00 PM.

All other rooms are available only during regular library operating hours.

Meeting rooms will not be available when the Library is closed due to emergency conditions, inclement weather or Rhode Island legal holidays and Sundays.

The Library is not responsible for costs incurred if a meeting is canceled due to circumstances beyond the Library’s control.


Events related to local elections must be reviewed by the Town Solicitor prior to the occurrence of the event.

The Library subscribes to the equitable use of its facilities. The use of the meeting room does not constitute an endorsement of an organizations policies or beliefs.

Unless event is co-sponsored by the library all announcements, press releases, flyers, and other promotional work must clearly state the meeting or program is not sponsored by the Tiverton Public Library.

Groups may identify the Library and provide its address in their publicity for the meeting, but may not use the Library’s telephone number or invite potential attendees to contact the Library.

Neither the Trustees of the Tiverton Public Library nor the Town of Tiverton shall be held responsible for injury to persons or property that may occur while a meeting room is being used.

The Library cannot be held responsible for materials, supplies, or equipment owned by the group and used by them in the Library.

The Library recognizes the rights of free speech and free assembly. Permission for a group to use Library space does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s philosophy or objectives by the Library.

The meeting room will be available to all groups who have an open membership policy and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, national origin, religion or physical disabilities.

In allocating the use of meeting rooms, the Trustees of the Library and Library staff shall not discriminate on the basis of the political or religious beliefs of applicant groups, or on any other constitutionally or statutorily-prohibited basis.

Approved by the Library Board of Trustees January 7, 2015

Updated December 17, 2018; February 25, 2019; April 17, 2023; August 19, 2024