Union Public Library Association

photo of three woman sitting and standing with one holding a teacup inside the union library
photo of a tea pot and mug next to tea bags and a book on a table in front of bookcases
A child playing with a toy castle in front of the children's books shelves

The Union Public Library Association (UPLA) is an all volunteer 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to providing a reading room and library service at the Union Public Library located at or near its 3832 Main Road location in the historic Tiverton Four Corners District. This has been accomplished almost continuously since 1820. In 1923, Union Public Library registered as a non-business corporation with the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations “for the purpose of conducting a public library and for any other literary and educational purposes,” as stated in the original Articles of Incoporation. Upkeep of the historic structure is financed by the Association with funds raised through donations, in-kind services from volunteers, and its annual book, bake and yard sale.

The sale, a popular community event held on the Chace-Cory House grounds, draws people from all over New England each year to make selections from the many excellent books that have been donated by residents and other organizations. The annual sale is the primary source of revenue for the Union Public Library Association. While most of proceeds of the annual sale are used to maintain and improve the building and grounds, funds are also used to add new materials and equipment to Union Public Library. Because UPLA is a recognized 501 (c) (3) organization, all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Memorial and honorary donations and bequests are gratefully accepted.

The Union Public Library Association has a Constitution and By-laws and is governed by a Board of Directors, elected from the membership, which serves without remuneration. Annual membership is five dollars. Members of UPLA actively support and promote library services in Tiverton.

Volunteers, coordinated by UPLA, provide support staffing during hours of operation by serving as assistants to the paid Tiverton Library Services staff member. They complete a variety of tasks and projects at the direction of the staff member. Volunteers and friends also help with seasonal decorating, gardening, baking, book sale preparations and more throughout the year.

Tiverton Library Services provides professional staffing (10 hours per week), access to the state-wide lending system, technology support, Wi-Fi and internet access. Equipment and new materials are also provided. The partnership that exists between Tiverton Library Services and Union Public Library Association is mutually beneficial, extending the availability of library services and volunteer opportunities to a greater number of area residents while preserving a part of Tiverton’s rich cultural and historic heritage for all.

Union Library Facebook Page

Union Public Library
July 2, 2018, 9:49 am

Come in out of the heat, relax and enjoy a book or magazine and/or pick up a copy of "Crossing the Bamboo Bridge: Memoirs of a Bad Luck Girl" by Mai Donahue. The author will be speaking at Union on ... See more

Union Public Library
June 25, 2018, 7:43 am

The Union Public Library Book Club meeting will be held on Thursday, July 19 at 1:00 PM at Union, 3832 Main Road in Tiverton. Participants will have their choice of reading one (or more) of three ... See more