
Food for Fines


The Library will be accepting donations of non-expired, non-perishable items to benefit the Greater Tiverton Community Thanksgiving Basket Mission and other community food collections during the month of November.

Bring non-expired, non-perishable items to donate to families in need, and we will waive your late fees!

Currently, fines accrued during the pandemic are being waived until November 22nd. However, if you have fines for late materials accrued before the pandemic, you can bring in non-expired, non-perishable items and we will waive your late fees!

1 Item = $1 off
Does not apply to lost or damaged items.

If you would like to help Amicable Church fill their Thanksgiving Baskets for families in the Greater Tiverton Area, please bring: Corn, Peas, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, and Gravy (pre-made in a can or jar).