Dynamic Library Building Serves its Community Daily
The town of Tiverton has a beautiful new library that was built to not only host books but to also act as a community center. Groups of all ages and walks of life gather together for meetings about a wide range of topics. At any given time you can see kids building with legos, teens playing on the PS4, families gathering for movie night, organizations hosting monthly meetings. The dynamic building was designed by Union Studios with guidance from Kimberly Bolan Cullin(Library Building Consultant), the Building Committee, the Trustees, Foundation and Staff.
We would like to thank the many generous people and organizations who made this project possible. As you walk through the library look for plaques with donors names on them.
Awarded the Outstanding Smart Growth Project Award 2016
Champlin Foundation Contribution
The Champlin Foundation provided major funding for the new Tiverton Public Library, a beloved institution that both embraces its storied past and strides boldly into the 21st century. The first year exceeded the wildest expectations in number of library users, books checked out, online usage and program participation. By any metric the new Tiverton Library has been the biggest thing to happen to the town in recent memory.
The exterior evokes a traditional New England ambience, while the interior is open and flexible, for daily changes, or total reconfiguration in the future. The building meets the highest levels of energy efficiency.
The impact on the community has been dramatic. People from all walks of life realize personal and career goals, and people of all ages develop a love of reading and learning. The use of most Library resources doubled, while computer use tripled. The programs enjoy robust attendance – Storytimes (baby, toddler, pre-school), Book Groups, Movie Nights, Speaker Presentations, Lego Days, “Drop-In and Play” Saturdays, Teen Anime & Magna Meet-Up, etc.
The Library is a hub for community growth, playing an ongoing role in its cultural, civic, social and economic life. It hosts such groups as the volunteer Town Commissions, school events like the District Art Show and after school creative arts sessions, probate and municipal courts, small businesses, unions, political groups, and employers interviewing job seekers.
The Library Staff, Trustees, Friends and Foundation join the community in thanking Champlin for making our vision a reality.
- Text from the Champlin Foundation website.
Rhode Island Library Report Article About The Groundbreaking
TIVERTON Town Council President Edward A. Roderick, left, talks with U.S. Sen Jack Reed after the symbolic groundbreaking. Fresh dirt had to be trucked in because the actual ground at the construction site was too tightly packed for the ceremonial shovel work. Credit: Brian C. Jones
Read the Rhode Island Library Report article from October 26th, 2013

New Tiverton library is one for the books
By Christine Dunn / Journal Staff Writer
Posted Jul 20, 2015 at 11:58 AM
More than 500 new library cards have been issued in Tiverton since the town’s new 23,886-square-foot public library opened last month at 34 Roosevelt Ave.
Ann Grealish Rust, director of Tiverton Library Services, said the number of new library cards issued since the opening is more than typically are issued during an entire year.
Click here to read more of the article at the Providence Journal