
Recent Media Inquiry

A Message from Library Director Catherine Damiani

Update 11/15/2023: Thank you to Ruth Rasmussen and the Sakonnet Times for writing an article about this project. To provide some additional insight into funding for this landscaping project: restricted donation funds were not used. We are careful not to use restricted donation funds for purposes other than intended. We prefer that any donations be made directly to the Friends of Tiverton Libraries, Tiverton Library Foundation, and Union Public Library Association – all of which are nonprofit entities whose missions support the library in various capacities.

On Friday, November 10, 2023 I received a media inquiry from the Sakonnet Times regarding a landscaping project along the southern line of the library lot. Due to the interest in this subject, I have posted my response to the Times on the library’s website and included all of the documents mentioned in this response. It is my hope that this will assist in providing those interested in the background of the project with accurate information since it was first discussed in early 2022 with the chair of the Dog Park Advisory Committee.

It has also been brought to my attention that negative comments have been made in online forums directed towards library staff over this project. Those making such comments should understand that, other than myself, the Tiverton Library staff have never been involved in this project or process. The library staff are the most valuable asset of this library and work tirelessly and passionately to provide top-notch programs, services, and materials to the Tiverton community and beyond. I consistently receive positive feedback and praise for the work they accomplish on a daily basis that benefits this community. Any questions or concerns should be made directly to me or the Library Board of Trustees via email, phone, or in-person contact.

I welcome respectful communication and the opportunity to discuss this project with anyone who wishes to speak with me or the Library Board of Trustees using the information below.

Catherine Damiani, MLIS, MPA
Library Director
Tiverton Public Library
34 Roosevelt Ave
Tiverton, RI 02878
401-625-6796 x6

Email Correspondence – Sakonnet Times Media Inquiry 11.10.2023
TPL Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 04.02.2022
Email Correspondence – To Tiverton Town Council Re Dog Park Progress and Site of Entrance Path 04.14.2022
Dog Park Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 04.13.2023
TPL Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 06.24.2023
Email Correspondence – To Tiverton Town Council FW: Dog Park Special Event and Library Landscaping Project 09.19.2023
FY24 Budget Report

Posted 11/12/23