How much would you have to pay out-of-pocket for your library services?
How much money do you save by using your local library? How much would you have to pay out of pocket if free services from public libraries didn't exist?
Find the value of library services you use, by completing this Library Value Calculator below. When you are done, you will have the option to submit your results to us. To do so, please complete the questionnaire at the bottom of the page.
To use this form:
- Enter in the left hand column the number of times per month you or your family use each service.
- Estimated retail value of each service will be calculated on the right.
- Total value of your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
- To figure out your return on investment - Compare your final result to the average amount of taxes you pay monthly for your library services. (If you live in Tiverton, RI it is approximately $12.50 a month)
- Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
Try completing the survey... you may be surprised!